Monday, November 28, 2011

The Banana and You

"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."

As such forward-thinkers as Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort have demonstrated, the perfect shape of the banana is a strong argument in favour of Creationism. Yet is this merely a fruity aberration, or can we examine other foods and see the hand of an ultimate creator in them?

Unsurprisingly, like the banana, much of the fruit of the world points towards a guiding hand. For instance, grapes are made in perfect bite-size globes, each small bunch an invitation to tailor one's portion size perfectly. Additionally, as they are round and tough, they have obviously been designed to bounce off floors and walls with ease, keeping themselves intact long enough to be consumed.

Or how about the apple? It fits so comfortably in one's palm, with indents on either end made to comfortably conform to fingertips when tilted in preparation for breaking the skin with your teeth.

Consider, too, the orange. It is perfectly planned, just like all fruits covered in rinds, with a protective covering to keep it from being bruised and bumped in lunchboxes and bags.

What random act of chance could result in such things? The sheer amount of chaotic chances that would be required to result in such perfectly designed foods is astronomical, and most certainly far harder to believe in than what is right before our eyes: that there is a Creative Force for good that simply wants us to be able to eat and enjoy unbruised fruit in large quantities.

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