Monday, November 28, 2011

Everybody Walk the Dinosaur

"They've gone the way of the dinosaur."

On the surface, the fossil record appears to support the idea that evolution rules all life on earth. Yet the briefest of looks beneath the surface shows that fossils themselves disprove evolution and, in fact, support creationism.

Regardless of the continuing efforts of anthropologists, archaeologists and paleontologists alike, links between evolutionary stages are missing from the larger landscape. Linking fossils between Homo erectus and earlier hominid species remain elusive. While scientists continue to push their ideas on the community at large, they also continue to fail to produce the proof necessary to construct their great chain of being.

When looking at all the various species of the world, present and past, it becomes clear that each species is uniquely fitted to their place in the world. That kind of fitness requires an intelligent shaper, one that does not need the help of so-called evolutionary forces. The lack of transitional species speaks to this act of creation, as there is no need for one species to meld into the next. Dinosaurs -- if they existed at all -- did not need to "evolve" into birds or mammals as they were created to live out their time and nothing more. In fact, the large gaps in the fossil record bear out this knowledge, as the myriad gaps are highly significant and speak to a scientific community trying to piece together disparate anecdata to shore up already flimsy ideas.

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