Monday, November 28, 2011


Welcome to Creationism: Intelligence in Design, one of the bastions of free thought on the 'net.

No Lies, No Falsehoods, No Dinosaurs.

Here we seek to expose the lies the Evolutionists would have you swallow, and bring back some sanity to the debate around who created the world as we know it.

As we journey through the valley of falsehoods and lies in search of the promised land of truth, we will examine each Evolutionist claim and righteously dismantle it, leaving nothing but the shining truth. For instance:
    The Banana and You - Begin your journey in an exultation of the glory of intelligently designed foods, made specifically for human use.

    A Tree Falls in the Forest - How can we exist without anyone to see us? The answer is: we can't.

    Everybody Walk the Dinosaur - The fossil record so many scientists rely on is flawed to the point that it proves exactly what scientists wish it did not.
We hope to open the eyes of more individuals sadly blinded by science, and set them on the right path towards knowledge that each and every one of us is special, as each and every one of us has been purposefully created.

Welcome, and enjoy.

A Proud GISHWHES Production.

Everybody Walk the Dinosaur

"They've gone the way of the dinosaur."

On the surface, the fossil record appears to support the idea that evolution rules all life on earth. Yet the briefest of looks beneath the surface shows that fossils themselves disprove evolution and, in fact, support creationism.

Regardless of the continuing efforts of anthropologists, archaeologists and paleontologists alike, links between evolutionary stages are missing from the larger landscape. Linking fossils between Homo erectus and earlier hominid species remain elusive. While scientists continue to push their ideas on the community at large, they also continue to fail to produce the proof necessary to construct their great chain of being.

When looking at all the various species of the world, present and past, it becomes clear that each species is uniquely fitted to their place in the world. That kind of fitness requires an intelligent shaper, one that does not need the help of so-called evolutionary forces. The lack of transitional species speaks to this act of creation, as there is no need for one species to meld into the next. Dinosaurs -- if they existed at all -- did not need to "evolve" into birds or mammals as they were created to live out their time and nothing more. In fact, the large gaps in the fossil record bear out this knowledge, as the myriad gaps are highly significant and speak to a scientific community trying to piece together disparate anecdata to shore up already flimsy ideas.

A Tree Falls in the Forest

"If a tree falls in the forest and there's no one around to hear it, does it make a sound?"

Without an observer, is it possible that anything really happens at all? Certainly, it is theoretically possible that events happen without anyone there to see them, but in order for those events to exist as anything other than a concept, there must be an observer present.

This concept becomes highly important in our understanding of life, the universe, and everything. Human history exists as a result of observation by individuals, historians, and verbal and written records. Without those observers, without those records, there is no sure way of confirming that events happened or things existed away from human eyes. We can believe they did, but we cannot prove they have. This is the problem of Schrödinger's Cat: without the observer, the boxed cat is both alive and dead all at once. Until that box is opened, there is simply no way to know its contents.

Thus, there is no way to confirm that anything existed previous to the first human. In fact, for us, there simply is no history before that record begins. It is well and good to posit Ice Ages and animals for whom we have no records but leftover littered bones, but without observation, it is only conjecture.

Moving outward from that, it stands to reason that in order for humans to exist, they must be observed. Not just by each other, but by someone greater than all of us, for without that outside observer, there would be no way for the first human to come into being. That first human needs to be seen in order to exist long enough to see other humans, and thus to begin observing in turn.

In fact, if we presume the existence of a Divine Creator, and that Creator is always observing, it is possible for events to happen outside of human experience. Yet without that observing, seeing, knowing presence, humanity itself can neither observe or be observed.

Thus our very existence depends on the existence of a Divine Creator.

The Banana and You

"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."

As such forward-thinkers as Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort have demonstrated, the perfect shape of the banana is a strong argument in favour of Creationism. Yet is this merely a fruity aberration, or can we examine other foods and see the hand of an ultimate creator in them?

Unsurprisingly, like the banana, much of the fruit of the world points towards a guiding hand. For instance, grapes are made in perfect bite-size globes, each small bunch an invitation to tailor one's portion size perfectly. Additionally, as they are round and tough, they have obviously been designed to bounce off floors and walls with ease, keeping themselves intact long enough to be consumed.

Or how about the apple? It fits so comfortably in one's palm, with indents on either end made to comfortably conform to fingertips when tilted in preparation for breaking the skin with your teeth.

Consider, too, the orange. It is perfectly planned, just like all fruits covered in rinds, with a protective covering to keep it from being bruised and bumped in lunchboxes and bags.

What random act of chance could result in such things? The sheer amount of chaotic chances that would be required to result in such perfectly designed foods is astronomical, and most certainly far harder to believe in than what is right before our eyes: that there is a Creative Force for good that simply wants us to be able to eat and enjoy unbruised fruit in large quantities.